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10 Benefits of climbing Mount Batur for Health and Entertainment

10 Benefits of climbing Mount Batur for Health and Entertainment – Climbing Mount Batur is not about you conquering this volcano only, but about conquering your emotion as well, the abilities and emotions that exist within yourself. Lately, thousand people fall in love to climb mountain. Despite climbing mount Batur can be tired, swollen feet, breezing, but beside of that there are 10 Benefits of climbing Mount Batur for Health and Entertainment, you can check it bellow:

1. Increase working capacity of the heart and lungs

Climbing Mountain has a lot of health benefits for our body, the benefits of climbing can increase the working capacity of the heart and lungs. This is caused by mountaineering activities that require energy which will form the strength of the heart and lungs.

2. Increase stamina and endurance

The benefits of mountain climbing also very good to maintaining and improving your stamina and endurance, for you who love climbing definitely need more stamina and endurance, so doing exercise such as climbing mount Batur frequently can increase endurance and stamina and will remain awake even increasing.

3. Strengthen the leg muscles

Cannot be denied that climbing activities regularly will certainly strengthen the leg muscles and also affect the strength of your bon, so for you who love climbing mount Batur you can minimize the risk of osteoporosis.

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4. As a sports media

The benefits of climbing mount Batur also for the body as well as one of the activities to exercise. Especially for those who are happy with the activities in nature, this mountain the right choice. Usually sports activities such as marathon, running or for diet.

5. Closer to nature

Climbing Mount Batur is usually associated with nature. Typically, the mountain has an environment and ecosystem that is still natural and beautiful. So for you who love nature and looking for tranquility in a natural setting, climbing Mount Batur is perfect for you.

6. Giving new experiences

Climbing Mount Batur also give you new experiences that you can’t find in other places. It can be physical experience, spiritual experience, nature and many more. When climbing the mountain Batur, you may find some unexpected things which will certainly add to your experience.

7. Adding relationships with others

While climbing mount Batur also can find a new friend or new relationship, climbing mount Batur is not like climbing to the usual mountain, there mass of people climb every day. So you will find new friends, and can adding relationships with new people when climbing.

8. Lose weight

If you have program diet climbing mount Batur will be a good choice. This activity is the most powerful exercise methods to lose our weight because climbing more than 2 hours can burn a lot of calories.

9. Adding knowledge

Beside for health, climbing mount Batur also can fill your knowledge about nature, volcano and lifr. During climb can directly learn about hot steam, sulfur, wind direction, sun rise and many more. With these activities, the science you have will increase and you can apply in your life.

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10. Relaxation and entertainment

You can also take advantage of climbing mount Batur as one of the media in search of relaxation and entertainment or for meditation.  For those of you who are tired avoid hustle and bustle city, then climb mount Batur can get your relaxation and entertainment yourself.

That all about 10 Benefits of climbing Mount Batur for Health and Entertainment, we hope this article can useful for you who looking information about health or Mount Batur.