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Five stages evolution of Mount Batur

Five stages evolution of Mount Batur
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Mountbatursunrisetrekking.netFive stages evolution of Mount Batur – Batur caldera in Kintamani Bali as one of the best and most beautiful caldera in the world with total area of 16.6 square kilometers. Batur Caldera is the second largest caldera in Indonesia after Toba Caldera in North Sumatra. Behind the beauty of Batur Caldera and the Lake, there is horrible history of geology happened. The caldera as usual, round shape but the Lake Crescent-shaped. It was formed by a series of powerful eruptions long time ago, the eruption that shaped entire landscape of the island. Here bellow five stages evolution of Mount Batur to become as today.

Five stages evolution of Mount Batur

  1. The first volcanic activity that formed the ancient Batur volcano with elevations about 5,000 meters above sea level around 29.300 years ago. The second stage is a massive eruption that caused the volcano cone to be half it was happened around 20.150 years ago.
  2. The first eruption formed that first Caldera and leaving only the base of the Caldera on the northwest side, known as the Kayupadi and Balingkang, its located about 300 meters above the base of the second caldera.
  3. The establishment of Mount Abang and other small volcanoes around the caldera. The redevelopment of the volcano Batur is followed by the four stages. During this stage, the massive eruption destruction cone of the Batur volcano. This second major eruption caused the collapsed the basis of the Caldera and the loss of the first half of the body Mount Abang.
  4. The eruption was followed by the formation of Lake Batur to be Crescent Moon. It has the longest point of the 8 km and the shortest point 2 km with elevation 1031 meter above sea level.
  5. The last eruption is formation of cone which started around 5,000 years ago and continues until today. However, the eruption of the new Batur volcano recently existed since 1804 and has happened 28 times until 2000 but this volcano has a lot of history of eruption before 1804
See also  Batur Natural Hot Spring entrance Fees

That all of five stages evolution of Mount Batur to become as today, I hope this article can help someone who looking information about the stages evolution of Mount Batur. Thank you,